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Palaeozoic and early Mesozoic fish faunas of the Japanese Islands   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
MASATOSHI GOTO 《Island Arc》1994,3(4):247-254
Abstract In recent years, many fish teeth and scales have been found from the Palaeozoic and Mesozoic age strata of the Japanese Islands. This study is a compilation of the Japanese fish record from the Palaeozoic and early Mesozoic age deposits. Based on the published and unpublished data, the fossil fishes from the Palaeozoic and Early Mesozoic of Japan can be classified into 27 genera and 33 species, that is, one species of Devonian placoderms, 19 species of Permian to Jurassic elasmobranchs, three species of Permian cochliodonts, seven species of Carboniferous to Permian petalodonts, and three species of Triassic to Jurassic osteichthyans.  相似文献   
南京直立人研究的新进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
许汉奎 《江苏地质》2001,25(2):82-86
简单地介绍了“南京直立人(猿人)综合研究专家组”近二年来的部份研究成果,如南京汤山葫芦洞内的地层可以分为4段;洞内的哺乳动物群可以分为时代不同的大洞动物群和小洞动物群;南京直立人的一号头骨与二号头骨层位不同,特征也不一;铀系测年也证明小洞的地层其年代在距今60万年-50万年间,大洞的地层年代在距今24万年-10万年间,大洞被堆石堆砾石层封闭的时间应在13万年-10万年间。从而补充和纠正了前人研究中的不足和错误。  相似文献   
吉林省四平南部1:5万半拉山门、石岭街、下二台子、叶赫站幅的吉林省境内区调,首次在经过修订的下二台群黄顶子组下部条带状硅质大理岩中,采获丰富的小壳化石,初步确定为3属6种,其中4新种。属于辽北地区新确立的清河镇动物群辐射演化而来的新的动物群。从而,为这套地层的划分对片、时代确定,提供了重要的古生物佐证。  相似文献   
新疆乌什—阿克苏地区下寒武统玉尔吐斯组的小壳化石丰富,已描述了近50属90种,包括1个新属,15个新种。计有软舌螺类、似软舌螺类、单板类、腹足类、骨针类及分类位置未定的化石,还有节肢动物门的高肌虫类。按小壳化石在地层纵向出现的次序及其代表性,可将玉尔吐斯组小壳动物群的比石划分为3个带,即1.Anabarites trisulcatus带;2.Cambroclavus-Aurisella带;3.Adyshevitheca-Xinjiangella带。其中1带可与梅树村阶I.Anabarites-Protohertzina带对比;2—3带大致可与梅树村阶Ⅱ.Paragloborilus-Siphogonuchites带—Ⅲ.Sinosachites-Lapworthella带对比。因Aanbarites trisulcatus的发现,证实玉尔吐斯组的下界可与梅树阶的底界对比;玉尔吐斯组顶部发现的高肌虫有别于筇竹寺阶的高肌虫。前者与大量梅树村期小壳动物共生,可以认为梅树村期已经出现高肌虫的先遣分子。  相似文献   
李儒峰  门凤岐 《现代地质》1995,9(1):11-17,T001
本文记述了采自山东淄博地区晚石炭世太原组双壳类化石15属28种,讨论了化石组合特征.在研究双壳类动物群的基础上,划分了3个动物群落,即:Acanthopecten群落、Palacolima群落和Aitartella群落,并对各群落的生态特征进行了系统研究.  相似文献   
史前时期动物驯养技术的跨大陆交流与传播是令人瞩目的 前沿课题.陕北地区位于欧亚草原早期青铜文化和中原地区古代文化交汇碰撞的前沿地带.贾大峁遗址位于陕西省横山县,年代为距今约4500~4300年的龙山早期.作为陕北地区目前发现的最早出现牛和羊的考古遗址之一,牛和羊是当地驯养抑或外来的,是值得我们探讨的问题.本文通过热电离...  相似文献   
The Bivalve Yangtzedonta is not the Brachiopod Xianfengella   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract The alleged "holotype"of the bivalve Yangtzedonta primitiva Yu.1985 figured by Qian (2001) is a broken and distorted specimen of the brachiopod Xianfengella prima He and Yang, 1982 and not the holotype of Y. primitiva. Qian contends that the oldest recognized monoplacophoran, Maikhanella pristinis (Jiang, 1980), is neither a monoplacophoran nor the oldest molluscan fossil in the Meishucunian Stage of China. Furthermore, he considers that the oldest bivalve Xianfengoconcha eUiptica Zhang, 1980 is an inarticulate brachiopod, not a mollusc. WatsoneUa yunnanensis (He and Yang, 1982), is associated with Yangtzedonta primitiva Yu but indicates no evolutionary relationship between the Classes Rostroconchia and Bivalvia in the Lower Cambrian Zhongyicun Member of the Yuhucun Formation. Qian's confusion in using non-molluscan fossils to discuss the early evolution of shelled molluscs also confuses the basic concepts of the respective groups.  相似文献   
2008~2010年,在鱼类资源调查的基础上,分析了莫莫格国家级自然保护区的鱼类多样性特征。调查结果显示,莫莫格国家级自然保护区有鱼类物种5目11科42属49种,其中本区土著种5目10科38属45种,包括中国特有种4种,中国易危种5种,冷水种8种,国家II级保护动物1种。土著种群落中,有鲤形目(Cyprini-formes)鱼类32种,鲤科(Cyprinidae)鱼类29种,鮈亚科(Gobioninae)鱼类13种;古北界北方区黑龙江亚区黑龙江分区的物种为22种;源于东部平原和北方平原生态类群的鱼类有27种;适应于江—湖缓流环境和淡水定居生活的鱼类有33种;草上产卵和水层产卵繁殖的鱼类有37种;杂食性和初级肉食性种类有28种,它们均相对占优势。莫莫格国家级自然保护区与嫩江的鱼类群落物种结构Jaccard系数和Morisita-Horn相似性指数分别为0.918和0.838;稀有种(包括中国易危种)和常见种分别为14种和25种;物种多度格局近似于对数正态分布。这些结果表明,莫莫格国家级自然保护区的鱼类多样性与嫩江密切相关,鱼类区系复杂,物种组成与生态类型多样;群落结构相对较稳定,多样性程度相对较高,但仍面临着稀有种(包括中国易危种)尚占有一定比例而导致群落结构脆弱的潜在威胁。保持嫩江鱼类群落结构的稳定,对维护和发展莫莫格国家级自然保护区的鱼类多样性具有特别重要的意义。  相似文献   
Assessing the vulnerability of species to [anthropogenic threats is an essential step when developing management strategies for wild populations. With industrial development forecasted to increase in Spencer Gulf, South Australia, it is crucial to assess the ongoing effects of anthropogenic threats to resident and migratory species. Expert elicitation was used to assess 27 threats against 38 threatened, protected, and iconic marine-associated species. Species and threat interactions were assessed individually, and as taxonomic or functional groups. Climate change had the greatest overall exposure (c.f. risk) across species, followed by disturbance, pollution, disease/invasive species, and fishing/aquaculture threats. The largest overall sensitivities (c.f. consequences) were pollution and disease/invasive species, followed by climate change, disturbance and fishing/aquaculture threats. Vulnerability scores (exposure x sensitivity) showed the climate change group posing the greatest overall threat in Spencer Gulf, with individual climatic threats ranking as three of the top four biggest threats to most animal groups. Noise, shipping, and net fishing were considered the greatest region-specific individual threats to marine mammals; as were trawl fishing, line fishing, and coastal activities to fish/cuttlefish; trawl fishing, line fishing, and net fishing to elasmobranchs; and oil spill, disease, and coastal activities to sea/shorebirds. Eighteen of the 20 highest vulnerability scores involved the short-beaked common dolphin, Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin, and Australian sea lion, highlighting the particular susceptibility of these species to specific threats. These findings provide a synthesis of key threats and vulnerable species, and give management a basis to direct future monitoring and threat mitigation efforts in the region.  相似文献   
本文在西藏南部吉隆盆地新生代沉积中获得丰富的介形类化石,根据介形类动物群在地层剖面上的分布规律,建立了8个介形类群落,自下而上为:Leucocytherella trinoda-Ilyocypris群落;Ilyocypris pentanada-Leucocytherella hyalina群落;Candoniella zadaensis-Leucocytherella群落;Eucypris subgyrongensis-Candoniella zadaensis群落;Leucocytherella-Cadoniella zadaensis群落;Leucocythere mirabilis-Leucocytherella hyalina群落;Leucocythere mirabilis-Leucocytherella glabra群落和Leucocythere mirabilis-Leucocytherella trinoda群落。通过对介形类群落进行详细的特征分析,并结合磁性地层年代学数据,将吉隆盆地7.2~1.67Ma的古气候划分为5个期次:①7.2~6.7Ma为暖湿期;②6.7~5.8Ma为凉湿期;③5.8~3.6Ma为暖湿期;④3.6~2.6Ma为凉湿期;⑤2.6~1.67Ma为冷干期。将研究区的7.2Ma以来的气候演化特征与全球气候演变对比认为:吉隆盆地7.2~5.8Ma间的气候以暖湿为主,可能与来自印度的东南季风加强有关;5.8~3.6Ma间吉隆盆地古气候分析显示为相对暖湿期,可能与来自印度洋的东南季风再次加强有关;3.6Ma后,由于是受全球气候变冷、冬季风加强及青藏高原强烈隆升的影响,吉隆盆地气候向更寒冷干旱的环境转变。  相似文献   
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